Becoming Boundaried: The Official Bootcamp

It's time to take up space, use your voice, & step into your sparkling power. πŸ›βœ¨πŸ¦‹

Your 3 Bootcamp Payment Options:

πŸ’« The Gentle-Pacing Payment Plan allows you to take the bootcamp at a relaxed month-by-month pace. You'll be charged $499 a month (for 12 months), receiving one new training module added to your training vault each month, along with full access to our robust coaching call calendar and online peer-support discussion forum. This plan is best for those who benefit from slower pacing. You can also cancel or pause your Gentle Pacing Plan at any time (write to at least 5 days prior to the next automatic billing date).

πŸ’₯ 4 Monthly Payments of $1400. This plan allows you instant access to ALL of the training modules so that you can go at a faster pace. With this option, you get all the trainings delivered to your training vault INSTANTLY while making 4 monthly payments, allowing you to dive in at the pacing that is right for you.Β  The bootcamp trainings can be completed in 4-6 months, but you'll still enjoy a full 12 months of access, along with access to our coaching call calendar's amazing live coaching calls for a FULL YEAR, and 24/7 discussion forum peer-support, too. (This option does not come with the ability to cancel or pause after the first 25 days).

πŸ”₯ Go Gang-Busters with Payment Option 3 (best value): DIVE IN! If you know the bootcamp is right for you, you can dive into the full bootcamp NOW with our $4999 pay-in-full offer. With the Dive In option, you get immediate access to everything inside of the bootcamp, meaning ALL of the trainings dropped into your vault at once, along with a FULL YEAR of amazing live coaching calls via our coaching call calendar, and 24/7 discussion forum peer-support! Go at whatever pace you choose and enjoy robust guidance, encouragement, and powerful support all the way through your incredible bootcamp journey!Β  (This option does not come with the ability to cancel or pause).

Whichever option you pick, we're excited to have you joining us!!!!!Β 

Beautiful things are ahead! πŸ’ƒπŸ½

Please note, there are no refunds on any purchases.

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